The Wall and other happenings
Hello folks…how’s it going? I hope you are doing well.
I thought I would give you a bit of an update into life at the Hodgman Street Hilton and Grant Wells Photo.
The big news at the ‘Hilton’ is that the wall came down … not quite the Berlin Wall … but it will have/had a pretty big impact.
It may seem unlikely, but we consider ourselves quite lucky…no-one was hurt and our house escaped unscathed (can’t say the same for the garden). We are still waiting to hear if insurance is going to be any help, or we (us and our neighbour), are on our own. Either way, it’s going to be pretty monumental, as there is literally no access. I can’t even get a wheelbarrow to it. Everything is going to have to be done by hand…the clean up… and eventually some sort of rebuild.
I will keep you posted.
Now for something a bit more pleasurable…
Michelle (my wife) decided I should have a hobby. I totally agreed. I just needed to find something. The fantastic guys at Sandy Gray planted the seed…I am now having a crack at brewing my own beer. Pretty much a no-brainer really…I love beer :)
One of my favourites so far…a dark ale…yum!
So far things seem to be going pretty well. I have quite a few different brews on the go. At some point I intend to get a bit more adventurous and add some more complexities to my brewing (grains etc.). But for now, I’m starting slowly and building up. Cheers!
On the photographic front it has been another period of diversity.
Local entrepreneurial baker Sunny Beatson (Beadough’s Donuts) is to be featured in Baking Business Magazine. I was asked to do the shoot…
It was great to work with a young person like Sunny…full of ideas and drive…and kicking goals.
Another gig with great people was the workshop and concert of Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra Overland Ensemble at the Cooee Memorial Hall.
And while I’m on the subject of great people…one of my friends, a subject in my People of Passion series and general all round good guy, Neil Thorne died recently after a long battle with cancer. Neil and his family had decided a natural burial was the way to go. It is something most people are not aware of. Typical of Neil’s selflessness (and that of his family) his burial is to be used to promote the natural burial process. I was honoured to be asked to document the process. I will share some images in a later blog.
Bye for now.
Rest in peace Neil.