Time ticking on tech
Hi All…I hope you are doing well.
Time for a catch up…let’s see …what has been going on?
In the land of tech not much has changed. Betty came home and then pretty much went straight back…the reversing camera is proving problematic. To the point that the whole head unit is being replaced. That will hopefully sort the problem once and for all.
I looked at replacing my phone, but it was going to cost me an extra $60 a month so I looked for an alternative solution. The main issue was unreliable charging via the lightning port. I purchased a magnetic charging station which seems to have me sorted.
My laptop has a battery issue (despite it having only done about 35 cycles) that would require the whole top case to be replaced…almost $1000! Not worth it considering the age of the machine. And I can’t justify replacing it when it really only gets used for jobs that require remote transmission. It works fine when powered up. I guess I just need to carry a power supply. Fingers crossed the tech woes are at an end.
To something that is definitely not tech. Shooting film. I have been continuing my love/hate relationship with the Bronica…well it’s more of a frustration with myself…rushing and forgetting to go through my routines. However, this roll of Ektar 100 was a pretty good hit rate.
I would love to bracket my exposures more, but the cost makes it pretty scary. One roll of 120 colour film costs me almost $50 to get developed, scanned and posted…and that is without the initial purchase price of the film!
I have mentioned in the past how I have multiple camera bags. I select the one most suited to the type of job I am shooting and then load it with the gear most appropriate for the job. One thing in here is not a regular.
Isn’t this little guy cute? I guess it depends on your perspective. If you ask Michelle and I it is a resounding NO. These little buggers are systematically destroying our garden. If it’s not caged or fenced, they eat it. If they don’t eat it, they stomp all over it…or crap on it. It looks like, as a last resort, that we are going to put up an electric fence. It isn’t cheap. But if you look at the value of the plants (not to mention the time and effort) the cost is justified.
This is a little restoration job I undertook recently. I’m pretty happy with the result.
A couple of things to look forward to. There is to be a new addition to the family before the end of the month…super exciting. And I have a trip to Melbourne coming up…catching up with a couple of mates who I haven’t seen in at least 5 years. We are all photographers, so there may be an image or two to share. I am thinking about taking the Bronica…maybe I am a bit crazy.
Bob the (badass) Budgie is settling in well…even if he decided to dismantle his disco ball. The cats pretty much ignore him now, but I made sure when I built his cage stand, that it was tall enough to discourage unwanted advances.
I hope I haven’t bored you all to tears.
Talk soon…cheers!