GWP blogspot

This blog is going to be a mix of what I'm up to now, a look back at some of my past favourites, maybe some equipment and technical stuff and whatever else you would like to see...but primarily with a photographic theme.

Ready, Set...Let's do it again.

Hello. How has 2024 been treating you? I hope you are all doing well.

As expected, it was a very quiet start to the year for me. I put together a small video of the drone light show (9.30 edition) and was tucked up in bed well before midnight. The return of NYE celebrations to West Beach in Burnie (there were no celebrations the previous year) was apparently a big success…great for those that have the energy 

Speaking of energy…I got a little inspired. My workshop/brewery has been annoying the hell out of me. No room! I’m sure I could quite happily fill an area three times the size…but that is just wishful thinking. My only option is to better utilise the space I have (a very small single-car garage).

During the update.

The new layout.

I think I have succeeded. Lots of things are now on wheels. This allows easy movement so I can access the lesser used items. It is still a bit like playing Tetris, but at least now there is room for me to move around, and adequate space to move the wheeled items into. My router table is on a winch and pulley system and lives up near the ceiling. I have added timber storage in the two back corners and, also suspended from the ceiling in pvc tubes. One side is pretty much dedicated to the brewery, the other workshop.

I just have to try and remember where I have put everything 

I have finally finished the roll of film I had in my camera when I ventured to Melbourne. It was a mixed bag. I messed up the development and managed to destroy the first frame (one I was really looking forward to seeing of a graffiti scene in Fitzroy) but the rest of the film was fine. In fact, there is one shot I am going to enter in the National Photographic Portrait Prize (wish me luck).

I’ve been struggling lately to find my mojo. Getting inspired to take the camera and go shoot has been difficult. But yesterday I did it. I just got in the car and drove with no real preconceived ideas or location. It was a really fun day, and I think I may have managed a few good images. I spotted this little guy having a feed of ants on the side of the road. I didn’t want to disturb his dining, so shot this with the digital (longer focal length lens available). Everything else was shot on film…so you will have to wait for a while (like me) to see the results.

Another positive to come from the day was having a well-equipped photography vehicle. On one of my stops, I was in danger of being carried away or eaten alive by March flies the size of Volkswagens. My skinny legs, protruding from a pair of shorts, were apparently fair game. Solution…don the wet weather trousers that permanently reside in the back of Betty (the van). That stopped the little buggers. I have a homemade drawer that houses everything from hi-vis and hard hat to powerbanks and towels.

 Well that’s it for now folks. I’ll keep you posted on the other shots from yesterday. Until next time. be nice to each other.
