GWP blogspot

This blog is going to be a mix of what I'm up to now, a look back at some of my past favourites, maybe some equipment and technical stuff and whatever else you would like to see...but primarily with a photographic theme.

Sports and all sorts

Well, hello!

Here we are again. Wondering where the hell the last couple of months have gone. It’s pretty redundant now…but Happy New Year. I hope you have all survived the ‘silly season’ (well I guess you have if you are reading this).

I’m not sure where to start, there’s been a bit going on.

Going back a fair way, I was asked by my grandson Henley to build him a shelf for his Lego. This I did happily…and it did the job admirably. However, with Christmas and his recent birthday, his Lego collection rapidly outgrew the shelf and I was asked to do shelf 2.0.

And here it is….

I have also been working on a couple of special shed projects. I can’t reveal the exact nature as one (or both) will be surprises for someone. But here’s a little teaser…

Heidi continues to be a source of amusement and amazement. Her antics at the beach have both Michelle and I raising our eyebrows regularly and at times we have trouble removing the smiles from our faces. There is just something about seeing a little creature having so much fun.

Of course, among all of this, there has to be some work.

I was contacted by the National Library of Australia to cover the Waratah woodchopping carnival as part of its ‘Regional Sports and Competitive Events’ collection. It was a really enjoyable day. Being able to shoot without a restrictive brief is super satisfying.

While on the sporting theme…Tennis Tasmania has had me shooting the Burnie International. It has been nice to refresh my ‘action shooting’ skills, but my feet certainly aren’t used to standing on what is effectively concrete for eight hours! My brief was to get action of every single competitor…a pretty intense couple of days. Tomorrow I am off to shoot the finals.

On a totally different subject. We are isolated…literally. Some serious roadwork and retaining wall replacement is happening right outside our house. The road is totally closed. This has created quite a challenge for parking and I suspect it will be problematic for deliveries etc. This is a pretty recent happening…the weekend has been a blessing. No jackhammers! The last two days has been constant, incessant pounding…it gets inside your head. As you can see from the pics, not a lot of progress has been made in two days…I think we will be mighty glad to see the back of this…in about a month, or so.

And while we are talking isolation…if you live in Burnie, keep your fingers crossed your washing machine doesn’t break down. After lots of phone calls I have discovered there are no businesses that repair washing machines etc. that service the Burnie area…RIDICULOUS! (I assume this would also apply to anyone living West of Burnie). Totally crazy.

Rant over.

I’m going to sign off here.

Be nice to each other. Catch you next time.