GWP blogspot

This blog is going to be a mix of what I'm up to now, a look back at some of my past favourites, maybe some equipment and technical stuff and whatever else you would like to see...but primarily with a photographic theme.

Client is the focus

Hi All...well this will be the last of 2017. 

One of the things I wish I had done more of during the year is provide more BTS (behind-the-scenes) insights. It's usually once I am back home uploading when I give myself a kick and say "should of bts'd that one"... and of course it's too late then. The problem I have is that once on a job I find my entire focus is on the actual job...not on how I am doing the job for others to see. It would make my blogging, Instagram and other social media easier...and I'm sure marketing advisors would say I need to do more on that front...but I'm pretty sure I have my priorities right. The client is the most important factor...they deserve my full attention.

The last week saw me with 3 very different clients in 3 diverse locations. Early in the week I was shooting for the Mercury newspaper in Launceston, covering AFL team Brisbane Lions' training and a story on strange dog names.

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Lions training-2.jpg
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Midweek saw me at Sheffield shooting trucks for International.

Prostar truck-1.jpg

The stunning scenery and great weather provided some pretty sweet images.

Prostar truck-3.jpg

And then to Marrawah for family portraits.

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I'm pretty sure I have mentioned previously how much I love the diversity...and the people I get to meet.

Speaking of people...this time of year is one where we are thankful for our families and friends. 

Christmas group-1.jpg

From my crazy family to nice to each other, stay safe and I'll see you in the New Year.