One to go.
Yesterday was my floortalk/slideshow at the Burnie Regional Museum as part of The Advocate Gift exhibition. I think it went pretty well.
Standing up and speaking in front of a crowd of people is a bit out of my comfort zone (different story if I’m holding a camera). I have another to do at the Burnie Regional Gallery early next month and I think that will be more of a challenge for me as I won’t have the benefit of a slideshow to keep people interested…and a large number of the images I will be talking about aren’t mine!
It’s easier to talk on a subject you are intimately familiar with as opposed to one you have had to research.
On a totally different subject…I was lucky enough to welcome a new granddaughter into the world last week. Scarlett Harper Wells was born on Friday…I’m may be slightly biased…but she is beautiful.
I’m pretty certain that this won’t be the last pic you see here J.
And on a gear related matter…I have pensioned off my old lighting bag and replaced it with a brand new E-Image rolling studio bag. The beauty of this beast (apart from being on wheels) is that it will comfortably hold my light stands as well as my strobes…meaning I will have one less bag to lug around.
Catch you next week...