Put a ring on it!
Hi All…This week I found myself unexpectedly needing to take a trip to Hobart. I find the main drag quite a drag…it’s usually a pretty boring drive. So, I decided to go via Great Lake and take in a bit of different scenery. Maybe I could find an image or two to be had along the way.
I packed a camera, a couple of lenses, filters, tripod and a drone.
About 40 minutes into the trip I’m imagining shots in my head (as you do) and BAM…oh crap!...I had a recall moment of my small equipment drawer as I was packing bits I thought I might need…and there (in my mind’s eye) in the top right corner was a thin circular ring…bugger…still in the drawer at home…the adapter ring that allows me to connect the filter holder to the lens.
Something small and insignificant can be a vital piece of equipment.
Silently talking to myself…”No long exposure shots for me this trip…put those out of your mind…maybe I need to keep it packed with the filters…always.”
A lesson learned.
Ok…”so let’s think about the drone…what can we get?”
It’s amazing the stuff that rattles around in your head when you are road tripping by yourself.
As well as driving, looking for possible pics, drone shots, kicking yourself for forgetting the filter ring… I’m running through the things I need to sort in Hobart…the actual reason for the trip. And all this takes a matter of seconds…over and over…on repeat. Amazing thing the brain.
The first stop for pics was in Deloraine…I didn’t nail the shot…my mind was elsewhere…but wandering among these stunning blossom trees was quite therapeutic.
The mind is still on loop…but not kicking myself quite so hard for being a forgetful dick.
Winding up through Golden Valley I stop to allow an echidna to cross my path…good luck maybe?
The scenery is changing…becoming increasingly more rugged…obviously things have to adapt to the harsher conditions. Even the rocks look like they struggle…unable to hang onto the escarpments they were once part of. Stunning.
On top of the plateau the harshness of the climate is laid out before me…tortured beauty.
Piloting the Mavic is a challenge when you can’t see…the chill wind has my eyes streaming…got to be thankful for GPS controlled hovering!
The vistas change again as you wind your way back down. Rugged, but not as harsh through the Steppes region…and then green and lush through the valleys approaching Bothwell.
If you are not on a time schedule, I would highly recommend this as an alternate route. It’s a little more challenging than the main drag…but WAY prettier, more interesting…and with way less traffic.
I will definitely be doing it again at some point…and I will absolutely have my adapter ring J
Until next time.