Weddings galore
Hi all.
What a huge couple of weeks it's been.
Those of you that regularly check out my blog will know that I have had two family weddings in the last two weeks. My stepson Harry and his gorgeous partner Allira tied the knot on February 3. It was a beautiful day...a beautiful relaxed wedding. They asked me to shoot some video...not a formal arrangement..."just record the ceremony".
For those of you who would like to check out a little highlights package... just hit this link.
Then last weekend, my eldest son Marten, his partner Danita and their son Hudson, made it all official. They travelled home from Perth W.A. for the day(s). It was great to do the whole family thing at both weddings.
Thanks to groomsman Michael Gee for weilding the camera for this one.
The weather decided it was going to be contrary...with storm warnings, thunder, lightning etc...the first rain we have had in weeks (the following day was warm and sunny). It really didn't matter too can't change embrace it.
The ceremony was at Thorfield Gardens at South Riana. Despite our recent lack of rain, the gardens looked great. Celebrant Libby Dobson did a great job of officiating... while an influx of flies were a challenge for everyone.
The black clouds (of flies and weather) were soon forgotten as everyone settled in for dinner and entertainment at Pier 01...super hospitality from the whole team.
I'm pretty sure everyone had a great day...and evening.
That's it for this post. I'll have a bit to say about my recent trip to Adelaide and an upcoming one to Victoria in the next blog.
Until then...