Art in the community
Hi All
I was recently asked to participate in a group workshop as part of a research project (The Role of the Creative Arts in Regional Australia: A Social Impact Model) being undertaken by a team from QUT (Queensland University of Technology). It was a great experience to hear the different perspectives and expectations of the varied participants…and it certainly got me thinking.
Ten Days on the Island opening event, mapali Dawn Gathering.
For me personally, the arts provide…literally.
I am a creator. I make art. If I am not creating, my mental health suffers (I believe it has been proven to some extent that the health of a community suffers without art…I’ll come back to that a bit later).
I also get paid to photograph the art of others in my capacity as a working professional photographer. So, art, artists, art organisations and the events they put on are important to me.
Ten Days on the Island opening event, mapali Dawn Gathering.
Going back to the topic of community health through art…2020 and the dreaded C word, provided what I think is a good example of how art makes our community a better place.
How obvious was it that people were suffering without concerts, gigs, theatre, events, etc.?
I believe one of the hoped for outcomes of the QUT research is to provide evidence that the arts have benefits that go beyond the number of bums on seats and hopefully deliver a tangible way of measuring those benefits, so adequate funding and resources are provided to those trying to make a living from their art.
Ten Days on the Island opening event, mapali Dawn Gathering.
Ten Days on the Island keynote speaker Lynette Wallworth.
Ten Days on the Island - a patron views the work of artist Vic McEwan.
Ten Days on the Island - artist Vic McEwan.
Let’s hope the arts get the support it deserves.