GWP blogspot

This blog is going to be a mix of what I'm up to now, a look back at some of my past favourites, maybe some equipment and technical stuff and whatever else you would like to see...but primarily with a photographic theme.

Time travel

Hi all. Just a short one this week as my relatively open calendar has rapidly become quite congested.

My DIY lightbox is getting put to good use.

My DIY lightbox is getting put to good use.

I’ve made a start on my time travel project…diving into the vinegar* aroma of The Advocate neg archive. It has become very apparent that it is extremely easy for hours to just disappear while trawling through ledgers and neg packets chock-full of history.

To make my life easier I decided I needed a light box. My plan was to visit the local hardware retailer, buy a piece of white Perspex and add some sort of illumination using a few DIY skills. The smallest sheet of Perspex I could find was larger and more expensive than I really needed…bugger…but I was convinced I needed it. Next was the light source. I hit the electrical section and … BAM! …there it was.

What a find...the perfect lightbox.

What a find...the perfect lightbox.

The answer was staring me straight in the face. A LED exterior wall light…basically a grey metallic box containing a bank of LEDs covered with a rectangle of white acrylic…perfect. All I needed to do was attach a power cable to it instead of wiring onto the side of a building as intended. (If you want to copy this project make sure all electrical work is done by a qualified electrician).

It works perfectly and is even bright enough to photograph negs at reasonable exposure settings.

A large portion of The Advocate film archive is affected by vinegar syndrome to some degree. The handover to the Burnie Regional Museum can not come soon enough.Read about vinegar syndrome here.

A large portion of The Advocate film archive is affected by vinegar syndrome to some degree. The handover to the Burnie Regional Museum can not come soon enough.

Read about vinegar syndrome here.

Well that's a wrap for this week.

Keep are making history.

... until next week.