The big reveal
Ok…it’s less than 2 days before my exhibition officially opens and the book is available (one book is already on its way to Victoria to a friend who couldn’t make it to the opening).
I spent Monday at the gallery helping with the hanging…it looks great. A huge thank you to Ed Jones for his expertise with the printing…the quality is awesome.
I also spent a bit of time with local media (The Advocate and The Mercury newspapers) being interviewed and having my photo taken. It feels pretty weird being on the wrong side of the camera.
It was really nice to get so much positive feedback. I’ve always felt that the images are pretty good…but it’s great to have that reaffirmed by other photographers and artists.
One thing I’m really looking forward to (I think) is the reactions of my subjects when they see their portrait for the first time…a bit like the Ahn Do reveal…lol. I guess they could be more nervous than I am. My wife Michelle (who is also one of my subjects) has chosen not to see any of the full size works until opening night…very self-disciplined.
A couple of the images have been released for promotional purposes, but very few have seen them full size and even fewer well lit and hung…the only way to truly appreciate them.
For those of you that have the opportunity to visit the gallery, I would love to hear your feedback.
If you would like a bit of an insight into what went into the creation of these images, I’m hosting a lunchtime lecture at the Gallery on Wednesday Feb. 13 at 12.30 (byo sangers).
Talk soon.